IS A MERE 42 MINUTES AWAY. I have so many things planned for this month, which I probably won't even be able to keep up with but here's to hoping, I can't even comprehend it. ALSO, I'll be listening to a nice little advanced preview of the new Cadaver Dogs album tomorrow, so tomorrow can just not be good!
I am hosting a kickoff celebration for October 1st. It's a decorating party and we're gonna watch scary movies and just have a gay ol' time. I'm just really excited to get October underway. AND THEN, after October, it's November, which means Nano, which means another month full of happiness. YIPEEE!
So, this past week has been an interesting experience. First off, I didn't get to see Pitch Perfect , thanks to long lines and little seating. Instead, I went on a nice little shoppin' trip, where I got to cuddle with cute puppies and laugh a lot with friends I don't get to see much. Also, I got a plastic bat ring, so that's cool. Thursday I had the wonderful chance to go to dinner with some of the Dogs and show them a bit of my town. Of course I was super nervous and had clammy palms the entire time. I also cursed an excessive amount, which happens whenever I have to talk to new people (or attractive people). They were super nice and hilarious. I got to hang out with them a little bit when we got to the venue, but not as much as I'd like. They DID put me on "the list", though. I'd never been put on "the list", let alone had a chance to say "I'm on the list". When I did, I felt so frickin' cool. I mean, THE list. It's legendary, the list. (secret: it really isn't that cool, it's just when you get in for free cause the band is super awesome. So maybe it is really cool.). Anddd my little crush told me good luck on econ, and that just made my life.
Another note: I'm obsessed with the song "Lil' Red Riding Hood" by Sam Sham and the Pharaohs. IT IS JUST TOO GOOD. I can't really explain why I love it. I guess I like those darker, hot songs. Plus the singer howls in it, and I just love howling in songs. Don't ask me why.
Today I bought a graphic novel that I'd had my eye on for awhile called Friends with Boys by Faith Erin Hicks. I really like the art and the story seems interesting already, so I'll probably be talking about it soon enough. And, costume update: Grady twins are a go, but by myself I think I'll be Thor (femme version). We'll see what happens there....
Okay, so I'm gonna cut this post here so I can refresh my brain and post the real stuff for tomorrow! Yay!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Real Talk: I am a ginger fiend.
I think it's time I let the world know one of my addictions: gingers. Fiery red hair that sparkles in the sunlight just makes my heart go pitter patter, especially when the face attached to it is adorable. I'm not sure when I developed gingeritis, but I have it bad. I cannot even explain to you what it's like to have ginger fancy. If you got the ginger fever too, then prepare to giggle like a schoolgirl at these treasures. If not, you might want to prepare yourself, too, because you might walk away with a case of gingeritis. Here's a list of some of my favorite red headed beauties to give you a taste:
Josh Homme, lead singer of Queens of the Stone Age: Okay, one: A ginger in plaid? Don't get me started. But a ROCK GINGER IN PLAID? I get so many feels over this picture, I can barely keep my clothes on (kidding). Okay, maybe not kidding all that much.
Fifield from Prometheus: I don't know what it is about men in mohawks, but I love 'em almost as much as gingers. And this just takes the cake for me. The whole time I was in the theater, all I could think was "Oh ma gawd, ginger mohawk..." Plus I dug his head tattoo, so Fifield was just a bundle of hotness for me.
Domhnall Gleeson: This sexy redhead played Bill Weasley in the Harry Potter films. Although the Weasley men were pretty much all gorgeous (appreciation pause for Fred and George...okay, go), Bill just was too good to be true. But the actor, Domhnall, is even more wonderful out of character. I mean, seriously, look at that beautiful hair and his freakin' ginger scruff. I mean, LOOK, guys. How can you not swoon for that combo?
Prince Harry: I never really paid any attention to the princes overseas, but recently with the Olympic Games and all that jazz I realized that Prince Harry has got that hot ginger vibe going on.
Seth Green: Ever since I watched Buffy, Oz stole my heart. Seth Green is just absolutely adorable, and he's goddamn hilarious. I mean, try to stare into his eyes without cracking a girlish smile (dudes, too). You can't, can you? It's just the ginger in him. Or his cute face. Or maybe the two combined.
Jareth the Goblin King: Okay, so maybe he isn't full blown ginger, but he has a ginger tint. Ever since I was little, I had the biiiiiggest crush on the Goblin King. Now that I watch it, I can appreciate David Bowie's portrayal as the Goblin King even more. I don't know what it is, but this ginger-blonde goblin has got it going on.
Micheal Fassbender: Oh my dear sweet baby Jesus. Micheal Fassbender is the god of beautiful gingers. Whenever this man was born, angels wept because of his ginger beauty. Srsly, I can't even stand to look at him because I am so unworthy to look at his ginger beauty. I actually did not know this man was full-on ginger until I google searched 'ginger actor'. And then I died. He is just perfection, honestly. I can't even follow up with anyone else after him, I'm swooning so hard right now.
If you are reading this and still cannot understand why I love red hair, then I just sadly shake my head. I'm not really sure how to wrap up this not-so-secret love of mine FIEND FO' LIFE.
Josh Homme, lead singer of Queens of the Stone Age: Okay, one: A ginger in plaid? Don't get me started. But a ROCK GINGER IN PLAID? I get so many feels over this picture, I can barely keep my clothes on (kidding). Okay, maybe not kidding all that much.
Fifield from Prometheus: I don't know what it is about men in mohawks, but I love 'em almost as much as gingers. And this just takes the cake for me. The whole time I was in the theater, all I could think was "Oh ma gawd, ginger mohawk..." Plus I dug his head tattoo, so Fifield was just a bundle of hotness for me.
Prince Harry: I never really paid any attention to the princes overseas, but recently with the Olympic Games and all that jazz I realized that Prince Harry has got that hot ginger vibe going on.
Seth Green: Ever since I watched Buffy, Oz stole my heart. Seth Green is just absolutely adorable, and he's goddamn hilarious. I mean, try to stare into his eyes without cracking a girlish smile (dudes, too). You can't, can you? It's just the ginger in him. Or his cute face. Or maybe the two combined.
Jareth the Goblin King: Okay, so maybe he isn't full blown ginger, but he has a ginger tint. Ever since I was little, I had the biiiiiggest crush on the Goblin King. Now that I watch it, I can appreciate David Bowie's portrayal as the Goblin King even more. I don't know what it is, but this ginger-blonde goblin has got it going on.
Micheal Fassbender: Oh my dear sweet baby Jesus. Micheal Fassbender is the god of beautiful gingers. Whenever this man was born, angels wept because of his ginger beauty. Srsly, I can't even stand to look at him because I am so unworthy to look at his ginger beauty. I actually did not know this man was full-on ginger until I google searched 'ginger actor'. And then I died. He is just perfection, honestly. I can't even follow up with anyone else after him, I'm swooning so hard right now.
If you are reading this and still cannot understand why I love red hair, then I just sadly shake my head. I'm not really sure how to wrap up this not-so-secret love of mine FIEND FO' LIFE.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Weekend Update and Concert Adventures
Well, here we are again, Monday. This weekend was an extremely busy one, and pretty awful to boot. Let's just say that twelve hours of studying on Friday did not leave me prepared (or passing) my economics test on Saturday.... but I'll move on and survive. I did, however, get to make homemade sugar cookies with my little ginger friend Leah and Kyra later on and did some thrift store raiding. I got a free shirt and a hilarious post card and a pin (pictures later).
I also got the chance to see the new Spiderman film for freeeee. I'm not a huge Spiderman fan, I'll be honest (Batman is my real hero of choice), but that movie was surprisingly good! It made me like Spiderman more than I did (and I've never read the comics, so I'm just going off of what I know from films and cartoons). I thoughtAndrew Garfield was quite good as Peter Parker and more believable than Toby McGuire in the first trilogy. I also loved Rhys Ifans as Dr. Curt Connors (but, then again, I just love Rhys Ifans in general). Scaly lizard face can't steer me awaaay! The visuals in Amazing Spiderman were lovely as well, in my opinion. The colors were great and I loved the point of view the movie was filmed in. I still can't get passed that Andrew Garfield looks like this one kid from my high school, still....
This Wednesday I get to see an advanced screening of Pitch Perfect, the new film with Adam Devine in it. Okay, so I haven't even seen a trailer of it yet, but I do know that the roommate from Bridesmaids and an episode of Workaholics is in it, so I'm totally down for it already. If I can, I'll do a review over it afterwards.
BUT the most important part of this week is the fact that I get to see my band, Cadaver Dogs, again on Thursday! I've seen these guys twice in four months already (this makes it three times now), and they put on the best show I've ever seen. They just have this crazy energy that makes you entranced by them. I can't even go into details because it would take forever to describe one concert, let alone how nice they are off stage, but I can't wait! YAYAYAYAYAY.
I also got the chance to see the new Spiderman film for freeeee. I'm not a huge Spiderman fan, I'll be honest (Batman is my real hero of choice), but that movie was surprisingly good! It made me like Spiderman more than I did (and I've never read the comics, so I'm just going off of what I know from films and cartoons). I thoughtAndrew Garfield was quite good as Peter Parker and more believable than Toby McGuire in the first trilogy. I also loved Rhys Ifans as Dr. Curt Connors (but, then again, I just love Rhys Ifans in general). Scaly lizard face can't steer me awaaay! The visuals in Amazing Spiderman were lovely as well, in my opinion. The colors were great and I loved the point of view the movie was filmed in. I still can't get passed that Andrew Garfield looks like this one kid from my high school, still....
This Wednesday I get to see an advanced screening of Pitch Perfect, the new film with Adam Devine in it. Okay, so I haven't even seen a trailer of it yet, but I do know that the roommate from Bridesmaids and an episode of Workaholics is in it, so I'm totally down for it already. If I can, I'll do a review over it afterwards.
BUT the most important part of this week is the fact that I get to see my band, Cadaver Dogs, again on Thursday! I've seen these guys twice in four months already (this makes it three times now), and they put on the best show I've ever seen. They just have this crazy energy that makes you entranced by them. I can't even go into details because it would take forever to describe one concert, let alone how nice they are off stage, but I can't wait! YAYAYAYAYAY.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Friday Eye Candy
Okay, so blogging is supposed to be this thing where you keep up with a new post everyday so people actually get to read your content. I must have missed that memo. This week has been kind of awful, kind of awesome: awful for the fact that I have my dreaded economics test tomorrow. On a Saturday. At 9:00 in the am (I have to be there by 8:40). I've been studying and stressing all day long, so bear with me here. On the other hand, this week's been awesome because of this beaaautiful weather we've been having! It's the perfect fall temps outside, and I am just too in love.
So, once again I'm lazy and don't actually have anything to blog about besides the anger over economics and how stoked I am for next Thursday (more on that laaater). For now, however, I'll just hand you delicious pictures of the men recently in my life.
So, once again I'm lazy and don't actually have anything to blog about besides the anger over economics and how stoked I am for next Thursday (more on that laaater). For now, however, I'll just hand you delicious pictures of the men recently in my life.
There is nothing to even say about Simon Pegg, he's just great. |
Okay, so I've been on a Doctor Who kick lately and I just fell in love with Christopher Eccleston. |
Rhys Ifans is what I was looking for, but Daniel Craig is just...this picture is perfect. |
Andreas Viestad does some Scandinavian cooking show, but more importantly LOOK AT HIM. AND WITH DUCKS. |
Of course I'd put Glenn Danzig on here, but you already knew that. |
....There's a lot more, but I need to get back to studying, gaaaawd. Hope your Friday's been lovely!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
You are a beautiful snowflake.
Think about how much time you take in a day to make yourself look presentable. Now, think about WHO you're presenting yourself for. Is it you? A loved one? That cute girl that sits in front of you in class? Your cat? Or is it those people you'll walk by during the day and never see again? The public? And why do you take so much time in a day to get ready? Is it because you want to? Or is it because you don't want people to think you look funny, or not normal, or that you feel like you have to fit a dress code to feel wanted?
I thought this was just a problem in high school, dressing up everyday in a certain way because you were 'a part' of some certain group type. Unfortunately, this is a problem that people deal with everyday. And it's not just how you dress or present yourself. It's how you act, your hair color, your hobbies, your weight and body shape. It's everything you do. People feel the need to hide certain parts of them and modify their tastes so they don't stand out or so that they fit with their 'group'. But is it even worth it?
People waste so much time wondering "Will people look at me weird if I wear this?" or "I can't go out looking like this, I need to lose like 50 pounds". What's even worse is when these people tell me that I can't or shouldn't do something because it's so weird. Let me just throw this out there: I do not give a single FUCK about if I am weird or not.
If someone is going to judge me for wearing creepers or having a septum ring or liking kids movies, then they are not worth my time. If someone is going to roll their eyes at me because I collect Monster High dolls or because I love Halloween and hula hooping more than anything, then so be it. That person or group of people are too close minded to accept me, and I'm okay with that! I don't want to waste my time trying to please people. I'm simply happy just doing whatever makes me happy.
I wish that people would start living like this. I know too many people who live their lives based on the opinions of others. If someone is too different, or if they're too different, they freeze up and won't interact or they'll change themselves. No one should feel like they aren't adequate enough just because they like different things and dress differently. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO. If someone makes fun of you for whatever you're doing, leave them. If someone can't accept you for who you are, kick them to the curb. IT IS NOT WORTH IT TO PLEASE OTHERS WHEN YOU ARE UNHAPPY. There are people in the world that are happy with your simple, quirky self. Everyone is different; there will be something about you other people may not get, and that is okay.
I just have a lot of feelings right now, so this post completely went on a rant about everything that's been bothering me lately, so sorry if that was confusing at all. I'm not even sure what I just wrote.... All I know is that you are special and unique like a frickin' snowflake, so go out there and be your beautiful snowflake self.
I thought this was just a problem in high school, dressing up everyday in a certain way because you were 'a part' of some certain group type. Unfortunately, this is a problem that people deal with everyday. And it's not just how you dress or present yourself. It's how you act, your hair color, your hobbies, your weight and body shape. It's everything you do. People feel the need to hide certain parts of them and modify their tastes so they don't stand out or so that they fit with their 'group'. But is it even worth it?
People waste so much time wondering "Will people look at me weird if I wear this?" or "I can't go out looking like this, I need to lose like 50 pounds". What's even worse is when these people tell me that I can't or shouldn't do something because it's so weird. Let me just throw this out there: I do not give a single FUCK about if I am weird or not.
If someone is going to judge me for wearing creepers or having a septum ring or liking kids movies, then they are not worth my time. If someone is going to roll their eyes at me because I collect Monster High dolls or because I love Halloween and hula hooping more than anything, then so be it. That person or group of people are too close minded to accept me, and I'm okay with that! I don't want to waste my time trying to please people. I'm simply happy just doing whatever makes me happy.
I wish that people would start living like this. I know too many people who live their lives based on the opinions of others. If someone is too different, or if they're too different, they freeze up and won't interact or they'll change themselves. No one should feel like they aren't adequate enough just because they like different things and dress differently. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO. If someone makes fun of you for whatever you're doing, leave them. If someone can't accept you for who you are, kick them to the curb. IT IS NOT WORTH IT TO PLEASE OTHERS WHEN YOU ARE UNHAPPY. There are people in the world that are happy with your simple, quirky self. Everyone is different; there will be something about you other people may not get, and that is okay.
I just have a lot of feelings right now, so this post completely went on a rant about everything that's been bothering me lately, so sorry if that was confusing at all. I'm not even sure what I just wrote.... All I know is that you are special and unique like a frickin' snowflake, so go out there and be your beautiful snowflake self.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Weekend Update!
Well, this weekend I've been going NON-STOP. Now that's it rolling to the end, I can finally get a chance to just sit and breaaathe. Like I said, I ended up going to my town's annual festival, where I was reminded of how awkward it is seeing people you used to talk to. After going from seeing them every single day in high school to the random occasion, you don't know how to react (or even what to say). You tense up and your palms sweat and the whole time your mind is thinking Do I say hi? Do they remember me? Do they want me to say hi? Are they even going to say hi? and then finally you decide to wait for them to make the first move. As your thinking this whole thing, they're mind is probably doing the exact same thing, so in the end you just walk awkwardly by each other and then will always think "What did I do to them?!". (or is this just me?)
My Fall Festival was quite a different experience this year, thanks to my dear friends. Let's just say there were some 'special' banana malts (mostly drank by my dear B) which caused for a terrifying and hilarious Zipper ride and public displays of awkward dancing. My friend is usually easily embarrassed, but Friday she made me laugh the hardest all month.
Cake baking update: SUCCESS! Well, not protein shake cake, just regular Halloween funfetti with whipped icing. It was two layers and had Oreo flavored icing for the words. Lemme just show you:
And that's a Butterfinger crumbled all over the top. Artery clogging goodness! My brother loved it! There was only half of it left after he blew out the candles (his friends helped a bit). I also had a spontaneous trip to Irish Fest Saturday night! I'd never been, so I was pretty excited. I was a little disappointed I didn't see more gingers, but my friend's drunken antics made up for it. After last night, I've decided I hate Guinness, can stand Killians, and won't ever be the only one with my friend when she has alcohol in her general vicinity again. She likes to get crazy, which is nice when I'm not the only one chasing her down...
I can't believe half of September is already gone. Where is the time going?! I mean, I'm totally pumped for Halloween, but it's crazy to watch the time fly by. If I could just live forever in the middle of October, I would be so happy.
For next time's post, I think I'm going to get pretty deep. This weekend has been just a total emotional train wreck and I've come to realize so many different things, but mainly one thing has been hitting home lately. So, if I'm still in the mood, tomorrow's gonna be a little less Halloween, a little more reality. (but don't worry, Halloween will be on the brain enough these coming weeks!)
But for now, here's a cute picture of a pony.
My Fall Festival was quite a different experience this year, thanks to my dear friends. Let's just say there were some 'special' banana malts (mostly drank by my dear B) which caused for a terrifying and hilarious Zipper ride and public displays of awkward dancing. My friend is usually easily embarrassed, but Friday she made me laugh the hardest all month.
Cake baking update: SUCCESS! Well, not protein shake cake, just regular Halloween funfetti with whipped icing. It was two layers and had Oreo flavored icing for the words. Lemme just show you:
Yes, that cake says 'Cool Beans'. |
I can't believe half of September is already gone. Where is the time going?! I mean, I'm totally pumped for Halloween, but it's crazy to watch the time fly by. If I could just live forever in the middle of October, I would be so happy.
For next time's post, I think I'm going to get pretty deep. This weekend has been just a total emotional train wreck and I've come to realize so many different things, but mainly one thing has been hitting home lately. So, if I'm still in the mood, tomorrow's gonna be a little less Halloween, a little more reality. (but don't worry, Halloween will be on the brain enough these coming weeks!)
But for now, here's a cute picture of a pony.
Look at that pony face!! |
Friday, September 14, 2012
Friday Eye Candy
So, it's Friday y'all. I'm still in my pjs and about to eat homemade brunch via my pops. My brain is still asleep, so instead of trying to write, I'm just gonna throw you some awesome pictures to stimulate your mind (mainly about fall, surprise!).
And I just really love this picture of me and Leah on Halloween. We dressed up for dinner: I was a skeleton, and Leah was her lovely creation Mitzy (and her pet hedgehog). Have a good day!
Little goat eating leaves at Waterman's |
Entrance gate at Dunn Cemetery at IU |
And I just really love this picture of me and Leah on Halloween. We dressed up for dinner: I was a skeleton, and Leah was her lovely creation Mitzy (and her pet hedgehog). Have a good day!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
It's beginning to look a lot like Halloween...
It may be September 13th, but the stores are slowly growing into little Halloween getaways for me! Eep! A late night visit to Target with friends turned into a squealing fit as I spotted a haunted house sign hanging in the back of Target. We steered our cart that way and were whisked into a beautiful land of orange and black. Target didn't let me down, equipped with newly stocked lights, screaming skeletons, masks, and pumpkins. REAL. PUMPKINS. When they got real pumpkins, you know it's business time.
It may sound dramatic and cheesy, but I was so happy in those few aisles I was almost brought to tears. The reason I love Halloween the most, I think, is that it reminds me of a simpler time. Halloween just reminds me of my childhood and my family all getting together to carve pumpkins and decorate. The other holidays just didn't have the same feel to it like Halloween did. Plus you get to dress up in costumes, get free candy, and watch all the horror movies you can (seriously, explain to me why Halloween isn't the greatest?). We were at Target last week and I heard a conversation between a customer and cashier. He was buying some decorations and the lady laughed and said "Isn't it a little early for Halloween?" and the man answered with a big smile "Well, Halloween's the best holiday!". The lady just laughed at him and was honestly surprised by his answer. But why? When people tell me they don't like Halloween, I'm honestly baffled. And if they tell me it's the devil's holiday, that is not even a valid point at all because they just simply don't know anything about the holiday (and I have been told that before).
I'm just completely in a Halloween cloud right now, I can't even think about anything else!
Actually, I can. APPLE CIDER. IS IN THE STORES. I SAW IT. Apple cider is the nectar of the gods, in my opinion. It's just good.
It may sound dramatic and cheesy, but I was so happy in those few aisles I was almost brought to tears. The reason I love Halloween the most, I think, is that it reminds me of a simpler time. Halloween just reminds me of my childhood and my family all getting together to carve pumpkins and decorate. The other holidays just didn't have the same feel to it like Halloween did. Plus you get to dress up in costumes, get free candy, and watch all the horror movies you can (seriously, explain to me why Halloween isn't the greatest?). We were at Target last week and I heard a conversation between a customer and cashier. He was buying some decorations and the lady laughed and said "Isn't it a little early for Halloween?" and the man answered with a big smile "Well, Halloween's the best holiday!". The lady just laughed at him and was honestly surprised by his answer. But why? When people tell me they don't like Halloween, I'm honestly baffled. And if they tell me it's the devil's holiday, that is not even a valid point at all because they just simply don't know anything about the holiday (and I have been told that before).
I'm just completely in a Halloween cloud right now, I can't even think about anything else!
Actually, I can. APPLE CIDER. IS IN THE STORES. I SAW IT. Apple cider is the nectar of the gods, in my opinion. It's just good.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Halloween is in 50 days, do you know what you're going to be? Because I sure as hell don't, and that's a problem! Although I plan out what I'll be for Halloween starting November 1st, I end up changing ideas over and over again. I get so many ideas that I can't decide (or I forget...)! So, as of now, I'm going to write down all my costume ideas of the moment so I don't forget this time. I usually hate sharing because I'm a little territorial with my ideas, you could say, but might as well share the billions of ideas for anyone puzzled about their getup for Halloween!
2012 Costume Possibilities!
Jurassic Park and I have this weird relationship, you see. For one, I absolutely love it! I watched the movie non-stop as a kid and just read the book this year and it was AWESOME. Unfortunately, it left me with terrifying dreams about raptors (or dreams about Jeff Goldblum, but that's another story). Every week, I have some crazy dream about killer dinosaurs, all thanks to my obsession with Jurassic Park. Well, my friend and I were talking about funny Halloween costumes and how girls always dress in the stereotypical sexy costume, so I thought "Let's be sexy unsexy things!". I mean, Dr. Grant isn't NOT sexy, but he's not what you'd normally think for a college girl's Halloween costume (although I've never actually dressed in the stereotypical college girl's Halloween costume...). So, my brilliant plan is to dress up as the one-and-only Dr. Alan Grant, with a little bit of a twist (think burlesque meets khaki).
"You're going to be" is what I'm sure you're asking. I respond, "No, silly! I'm going to dress in a dress modeled after a box!". Thanks to my other obsession (cough, tumblr, cough), I've seen thousands of different Tardis cosplays. I've got a few ideas rattling about of how to pull it off, but we'll see what happens!
So, that's the list (at least what I can think of right now). Due to the over active state of my brain during the fall months and days leading up to Halloween, I'll probably come up with 50 more ideas, so list is subject to change (let's hope not too much!). Feel free to use these ideas, or even let me know some of the ones you (whoever 'you' are) come up with!
pus pus (kiss kiss)!
2012 Costume Possibilities!
- Sexy Dr. Grant from Jurassic Park
![]() | |||
The, um, guy. Not the girl. |
![]() |
Hey boize. |
- Those creepy twins from The Shining
- Bride of Frankenstein
"You're going to be" is what I'm sure you're asking. I respond, "No, silly! I'm going to dress in a dress modeled after a box!". Thanks to my other obsession (cough, tumblr, cough), I've seen thousands of different Tardis cosplays. I've got a few ideas rattling about of how to pull it off, but we'll see what happens!
So, that's the list (at least what I can think of right now). Due to the over active state of my brain during the fall months and days leading up to Halloween, I'll probably come up with 50 more ideas, so list is subject to change (let's hope not too much!). Feel free to use these ideas, or even let me know some of the ones you (whoever 'you' are) come up with!
pus pus (kiss kiss)!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Protein Shake Cakes, anyone?
(No? I thought not...)
Have you ever heard of a protein shake (or drank one, for that matter?) Yeah, me either. My brother Chase, on the other hand, is a protein shake FIEND. He goes through those gallons of protein powder within mere months, drinking it like water because he's on a holy pilgrimage to get the hottest bod on his campus (he's a baby freshman, so he's trying to impress the ladies...).
Well, my buff baby brother's birthday is only a week away (he'll be nineteen. NINETEEN. I remember when he was three and riding around on his baby tractor in his diaper *cue remembrance tear*). My dad, unfortunately, will be out of town, so it'll just be Chase and I at home, so I thought I'd do something fun and make a fancy cake for him!
Theeen I remembered he doesn't eat cake since he's a die hard health nut now. SO, I thought "Why not a protein shake cake?!". That way, when I tell him it's a protein shake in cake form, he can't help but not eat it, since he loves that protein stuff. My baking skills, sadly, are definitely not "skills"; rather, more like "accidentals". I'm going to have to pull a Frankenstein and create this thing out of whatever I can... I'll let you know how it goes, catastrophe or masterpiece.
On a more exciting note, this weekend is my hometown's Fall Festival! It's kind of hokey and maybe a little bit lame, with all of the teeny boppers with their 'fights' and sloppy PDA, but it's always a sign of ringing in the fall weather! We have a parade on Saturday morning, where the floats throw candy and the people watching. Fighting little kids for candy might be looked down upon, but then that person doesn't have those awesome caramel squares with the cream center in their possession. And then, when the sun goes down, the lights come on and Main Street is lit up all beautiful and sounds like happiness, with the kids laughing and screaming in joy from the Zipper and Scrambler and the bands playing on different stages.
The Zipper is this terrifyingly awesome ride where it kind of looks like a chainsaw, where you get strapped in this little cage and are flipped and spun around forever. It's the scariest and most fun a kid can ride without a height limit. If you look past the duck tape on the door and the occasional gum wrapper flying in your mouth, it's really fun! (And the gum wrapper in the mouth has happened to me. It was not fun.).
Last year, though, I missed out on riding any rides, thanks to a two-hour wait at Hooters and then a two-hour eating session. It was my brother's 18th birthday and I was excited to go out. Well, before the first hour of waiting. By the time we scarfed down all the fried pickles and hot wings we could (blech, take my lesson and never do that), we sped off to the festival but it was too late. All the rides had shut down and the last elephant ear was being eaten. I was a very unhappy camper, but this year that won't happen! I'm going to have a gay ol' time at the festival, with plenty of pictures in tow showing off my fun-filled fall time (at least, I hope).
Oh, and note: Starbucks is advertising Pumpkin Spice lattes. Fall is definitely here.
Have you ever heard of a protein shake (or drank one, for that matter?) Yeah, me either. My brother Chase, on the other hand, is a protein shake FIEND. He goes through those gallons of protein powder within mere months, drinking it like water because he's on a holy pilgrimage to get the hottest bod on his campus (he's a baby freshman, so he's trying to impress the ladies...).
Well, my buff baby brother's birthday is only a week away (he'll be nineteen. NINETEEN. I remember when he was three and riding around on his baby tractor in his diaper *cue remembrance tear*). My dad, unfortunately, will be out of town, so it'll just be Chase and I at home, so I thought I'd do something fun and make a fancy cake for him!
Theeen I remembered he doesn't eat cake since he's a die hard health nut now. SO, I thought "Why not a protein shake cake?!". That way, when I tell him it's a protein shake in cake form, he can't help but not eat it, since he loves that protein stuff. My baking skills, sadly, are definitely not "skills"; rather, more like "accidentals". I'm going to have to pull a Frankenstein and create this thing out of whatever I can... I'll let you know how it goes, catastrophe or masterpiece.
On a more exciting note, this weekend is my hometown's Fall Festival! It's kind of hokey and maybe a little bit lame, with all of the teeny boppers with their 'fights' and sloppy PDA, but it's always a sign of ringing in the fall weather! We have a parade on Saturday morning, where the floats throw candy and the people watching. Fighting little kids for candy might be looked down upon, but then that person doesn't have those awesome caramel squares with the cream center in their possession. And then, when the sun goes down, the lights come on and Main Street is lit up all beautiful and sounds like happiness, with the kids laughing and screaming in joy from the Zipper and Scrambler and the bands playing on different stages.
The Zipper is this terrifyingly awesome ride where it kind of looks like a chainsaw, where you get strapped in this little cage and are flipped and spun around forever. It's the scariest and most fun a kid can ride without a height limit. If you look past the duck tape on the door and the occasional gum wrapper flying in your mouth, it's really fun! (And the gum wrapper in the mouth has happened to me. It was not fun.).
Last year, though, I missed out on riding any rides, thanks to a two-hour wait at Hooters and then a two-hour eating session. It was my brother's 18th birthday and I was excited to go out. Well, before the first hour of waiting. By the time we scarfed down all the fried pickles and hot wings we could (blech, take my lesson and never do that), we sped off to the festival but it was too late. All the rides had shut down and the last elephant ear was being eaten. I was a very unhappy camper, but this year that won't happen! I'm going to have a gay ol' time at the festival, with plenty of pictures in tow showing off my fun-filled fall time (at least, I hope).
Oh, and note: Starbucks is advertising Pumpkin Spice lattes. Fall is definitely here.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Third times the charm (right?)
At least, that's what I hear. I never tend to be the type to follow through with things, though, so it's hard for me to even finish a color page, let alone actually keep up with posting to a blog.
BUT, here's the thing: IT'S FALL. And fall = Halloween! If you didn't know (which I don't know how you would, unless you have telepathic powers, which in that case tell me your secrets), Halloween is my absolute, numero uno, highest on the list, favorite holiday of them all! I'm not sure when I actually recognized my obsession for Halloween or how old I was. What I do know is that ever since I can remember, I've been stoked for Halloween months in advanced. I would watch Halloween themed Disney movies religiously and made sure I never missed the Halloween specials of my favorite cartoons. It was just the most magical time of the year, with the crisp air and the beautiful colors everywhere. And, I mean, come on: apple cider is only attainable one time of the year, which just so happens to be in fall, so of COURSE that's the best season.
I could go on and on and on about my love for Halloween and all its festivities, but instead I'm going to make a nice little daily post about Halloween in all its glory (well, I'll try my best).
Like I said earlier, my attention span and concentration tends to stray almost immediately after I start a project, but how could I even stray from something that has to do with my specialty? One day I asked my friend if they could describe me in three things. They said: "Halloween. Glenn Danzig. The library." (it shocked me how right they were...)
I JUST CANNOT WAIT. I remember that it's fall and Halloween's only a month and a half away and I get all giddy like a kid again, thinking about the Halloween decorations and the movie marathons and the costume parties and the haunted hayrides and the everything! If I could just live every day like Halloween, I would be in heaven...
So, here we are again: starting up posts after a loooong hiatus. Instead, this time, I can't wait to just squeal about black cats and pumpkin carving and my favorite horror movies in my posts, so now I have things to look forward to post about. Weeee!
So, here's to Halloween, cheering with a big glass of apple cider and planning what decorations to put up first,
BUT, here's the thing: IT'S FALL. And fall = Halloween! If you didn't know (which I don't know how you would, unless you have telepathic powers, which in that case tell me your secrets), Halloween is my absolute, numero uno, highest on the list, favorite holiday of them all! I'm not sure when I actually recognized my obsession for Halloween or how old I was. What I do know is that ever since I can remember, I've been stoked for Halloween months in advanced. I would watch Halloween themed Disney movies religiously and made sure I never missed the Halloween specials of my favorite cartoons. It was just the most magical time of the year, with the crisp air and the beautiful colors everywhere. And, I mean, come on: apple cider is only attainable one time of the year, which just so happens to be in fall, so of COURSE that's the best season.
I could go on and on and on about my love for Halloween and all its festivities, but instead I'm going to make a nice little daily post about Halloween in all its glory (well, I'll try my best).
Like I said earlier, my attention span and concentration tends to stray almost immediately after I start a project, but how could I even stray from something that has to do with my specialty? One day I asked my friend if they could describe me in three things. They said: "Halloween. Glenn Danzig. The library." (it shocked me how right they were...)
I JUST CANNOT WAIT. I remember that it's fall and Halloween's only a month and a half away and I get all giddy like a kid again, thinking about the Halloween decorations and the movie marathons and the costume parties and the haunted hayrides and the everything! If I could just live every day like Halloween, I would be in heaven...
So, here we are again: starting up posts after a loooong hiatus. Instead, this time, I can't wait to just squeal about black cats and pumpkin carving and my favorite horror movies in my posts, so now I have things to look forward to post about. Weeee!
So, here's to Halloween, cheering with a big glass of apple cider and planning what decorations to put up first,
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