Halloween is in 50 days, do
you know what you're going to be? Because I sure as hell don't, and that's a problem! Although I plan out what I'll be for Halloween starting November 1st, I end up changing ideas over and over again. I get so many ideas that I can't decide (or I forget...)! So, as of now, I'm going to write down all my costume ideas of the moment so I
don't forget this time. I usually hate sharing because I'm a little territorial with my ideas, you could say, but might as well share the billions of ideas for anyone puzzled about their getup for Halloween!
2012 Costume Possibilities!
- Sexy Dr. Grant from Jurassic Park
The, um, guy. Not the girl. |
Jurassic Park and I have this weird relationship, you see. For one, I absolutely love it! I watched the movie non-stop as a kid and just read the book this year and it was AWESOME. Unfortunately, it left me with terrifying dreams about raptors (or dreams about Jeff Goldblum, but that's another story). Every week, I have some crazy dream about killer dinosaurs, all thanks to my obsession with
Jurassic Park. Well, my friend and I were talking about funny Halloween costumes and how girls always dress in the stereotypical sexy costume, so I thought "Let's be sexy unsexy things!". I mean, Dr. Grant isn't NOT sexy, but he's not what you'd normally think for a college girl's Halloween costume (although I've never actually dressed in the stereotypical college girl's Halloween costume...). So, my brilliant plan is to dress up as the one-and-only Dr. Alan Grant, with a little bit of a twist (think burlesque meets khaki).
Hey boize. |
- Those creepy twins from The Shining
So, this is kind of a typical scary costume, BUT it's a classic! And, actually, I don't know anyone whose dressed up as them, so score for me. My best friend and I have always wanted to dress up as matching costumes, but we wanted to be something creepy, and
BAM! Of cooourse this comes to mind. I'm leaning pretty close towards this, except with blood. All the guys are gonna want us.
I recently rewatched
The Bride of Frankenstein (I'm just really cultured, guize), and I remembered why I loved it! Even though she's only in it at the very end, I always adored Elsa Lanchester as the Bride. She was just so beautiful and creepy! The hard will definitely provide some challenge, but this costume shouldn't be too hard, and pretty recognizable. Plus I'm a sucker for black lipstick, so that's a plus.
Okay, before you go all "ERMAHGERD, NOT DOCTOR WHO" (or if you're "Oh, Doctor Who!" then yay!), GIMME A BREAK. I'll be honest, I'm not a diehard Whovian since I just started the series, but I really do like it! I can see what all the hubub's about! So, in honor of my newly blossoming love for all things related to the Doctor, I lightbulbed this idea today!
"You're going to be a...box?" is what I'm sure you're asking. I respond, "No, silly! I'm going to dress in a dress modeled after a box!". Thanks to my other obsession (cough, tumblr, cough), I've seen thousands of different Tardis cosplays. I've got a few ideas rattling about of how to pull it off, but we'll see what happens!
So, that's the list (at least what I can think of right now). Due to the over active state of my brain during the fall months and days leading up to Halloween, I'll probably come up with 50 more ideas, so list is subject to change (let's hope not too much!). Feel free to use these ideas, or even let me know some of the ones you (whoever 'you' are) come up with!
pus pus (kiss kiss)!
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