Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Real Talk: I am a ginger fiend.

I think it's time I let the world know one of my addictions: gingers. Fiery red hair that sparkles in the sunlight just makes my heart go pitter patter, especially when the face attached to it is adorable. I'm not sure when I developed gingeritis, but I have it bad. I cannot even explain to you what it's like to have ginger fancy. If you got the ginger fever too, then prepare to giggle like a schoolgirl at these treasures. If not, you might want to prepare yourself, too, because you might walk away with a case of gingeritis. Here's a list of some of my favorite red headed beauties to give you a taste:

Josh Homme, lead singer of Queens of the Stone Age: Okay, one: A ginger in plaid? Don't get me started. But a ROCK GINGER IN PLAID? I get so many feels over this picture, I can barely keep my clothes on (kidding). Okay, maybe not kidding all that much.

 Fifield from Prometheus: I don't know what it is about men in mohawks, but I love 'em almost as much as gingers. And this just takes the cake for me. The whole time I was in the theater, all I could think was "Oh ma gawd, ginger mohawk..." Plus I dug his head tattoo, so Fifield was just a bundle of hotness for me.

 Domhnall Gleeson: This sexy redhead played Bill Weasley in the Harry Potter films. Although the Weasley men were pretty much all gorgeous (appreciation pause for Fred and George...okay, go), Bill just was too good to be true. But the actor, Domhnall, is even more wonderful out of character. I mean, seriously, look at that beautiful hair and his freakin' ginger scruff. I mean, LOOK, guys. How can you not swoon for that combo?

 Prince Harry: I never really paid any attention to the princes overseas, but recently with the Olympic Games and all that jazz I realized that Prince Harry has got that hot ginger vibe going on.

Seth Green: Ever since I watched Buffy, Oz stole my heart. Seth Green is just absolutely adorable, and he's goddamn hilarious. I mean, try to stare into his eyes without cracking a girlish smile (dudes, too). You can't, can you? It's just the ginger in him. Or his cute face. Or maybe the two combined.

 Jareth the Goblin King: Okay, so maybe he isn't full blown ginger, but he has a ginger tint. Ever since I was little, I had the biiiiiggest crush on the Goblin King. Now that I watch it, I can appreciate David Bowie's portrayal as the Goblin King even more. I don't know what it is, but this ginger-blonde goblin has got it going on.

Micheal Fassbender: Oh my dear sweet baby Jesus. Micheal Fassbender is the god of beautiful gingers. Whenever this man was born, angels wept because of his ginger beauty. Srsly, I can't even stand to look at him because I am so unworthy to look at his ginger beauty. I actually did not know this man was full-on ginger until I google searched 'ginger actor'. And then I died. He is just perfection, honestly. I can't even follow up with anyone else after him, I'm swooning so hard right now.

If you are reading this and still cannot understand why I love red hair, then I just sadly shake my head. I'm not really sure how to wrap up this not-so-secret love of mine anymore...so....GINGER FIEND FO' LIFE.



  1. Loved this post! I am not a fiend for gingers such as you are, but I can appreciate good eye candy! Very nice!

    Good luck on the Countdown!

    1. Thank you so much, and I'm glad you liked it! And same to you, hope your countdown is going smoothly already!

  2. Awesome! I ♥ gingers,I even married one. : )Thanks for posting this.
