Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Best Witches in the Biz

Ever since I was little, I've been fascinated with magical humans. I would be so jealous of the cool powers witches would have, flying on brooms and casting spells. Plus they always had the coolest outfits and attitudes. AND CATS. God, I love cats, so it's just another obvious reason to love witches. I can't tell you how many years I dressed as a witch for Halloween, simply because I think they're awesome. The majority of my repertoire of Halloween movies (or just movies in general) have something to do with witches or just people of the magical kind, so I've had quite a few idols to look up to for witchy ways. There are a few, however, that stand over all the rest in my eyes.

Eva Ernst, the Grand High Witch, The Witches

I watched this movie religiously as a kid. Now that I think about it, my favorite childhood films were probably movies I shouldn't have been watching. I mean, think about The Witches. They turned a boy into a mouse, then talked about eating children, THEN the scene where all the witches are boiling and changing?! Absolutely creepy. But enough about that, let's talk about the Grand High Witch. Eva Ernst was pure evil and fabulous the entire time. First off, she didn't take crap from anyone (that probably had to do with all that evil). And then check out that frickin' fashion sense. I mean, that purple cape. I adored it when I was little, I just thought it was too classy. I'd still kill to have one, but the thing that separates me from Eva is that she's a badass witchy woman and I am a mere human being with no magical skills whatsoever. Bummer.

Nancy Downs, The Craft
 A crazy gothic Catholic school girl with some hidden power, Nancy Downs wormed her way into my heart the moment my preteen eyes peered upon The Craft. Yeah, she was a bit crazy. Yeah, she tried to kill Sarah. So what if she kissed snakes? Nancy was the tits. I mean, how could you not love her? I secretly wish I was a teenager in the 90s so I could have dressed like her. I was jealous of how cool her getup was and that she could pull off black lipstick. And that crazy glint in her eyes became a little endearing. And, come on, someone has to be the bad guy; Nancy just had enough balls to take the role (or it was all that pent up teen witch angst). 

Alexandra Medford, The Witches of Eastwick
Okay, so I'll let you in on a secret: I am a fan of anything Cher does. Go ahead, laugh. My pops loved Cher, so naturally I listened to her and watched her movies as a kid and kind of inherited that love. But whap Cher with some magical powers and I'm head over heels. Jack Nicholson creeped me right the hell out, but I loved The Witches of Eastwick, 'specially cause my girl Cher. She wore cute pigtails and rode a badass bike. Enough said.

Willow Rosenberg, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

 Willow Rosenberg is one person I would trust with my life (er, well, if she was real). Let's be real, Buffy would've gotten sucked dry by some vamp a long time ago if she hadn't been friends with Willow. Willow was always my favorite in Buffy (except for Oz). I felt connected to her, with her quirkiness, awkward fashion sense, and love of libraries. Maybe it was her ginger hair, too, but mostly because she was this quiet girl that turned out to be the most powerful of the Scoobies.

Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter series

 Bless you, Luna Lovegood. Ever since your first appearance in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, you have been my absolute favorite Hogwarts student. I believe in every word you say, and won't question your knowledge on nargles. Luna was the most interesting person in the entire series, be the positive girl she was with all that sadness happening around her. And, looking past all her weird knowledge and talks, she gave the best advice. And her radish earrings are super cute. AND her Patronus was a damn otter. How much better can you get?!

Winifred Sanderson, Hocus Pocus

 Best for last, in my book. Winifred Sanderson, you fox. Hocus Pocus is my all time favorite Halloween movie. I remember watching it when I was in kindergarten, and I always admired the Sanderson Sisters. Their clothes were the most beautiful colors and they had the coolest house. I felt they were just misunderstood. I mean, sucking the lives out of little children? Please. More like teaching kids some respect for the elderly. Or maybe kids' souls just taste good. Anyway, Winifred had the powers and the pipes. I mean, let's not forget the awesome "I Put a Spell On You" performance. That song is still on my top ten list of Greatest Halloween Songs Ever. And she had the perfect evil cackle, the one that makes you almost wish you laughed like that. And she turned people into cats. I mean, how is that not the best power ever?! What, you're gonna speed up while I try to cross the street? BAM, you're a cute cat that I get to cuddle now. Now that's what I call karma.

These ladies are the cream of the crop, in my opinion. Got any that I missed? Leave a comment and tell me who and why! Jeeze, if I could just put all these witches into a house and have some cocktails and pick their brains, I would be the most knowledgeable person on the planet. Okay, maybe just the happiest since I'd be chillin' with some cool ladies with magic powers. And one at least has to have a cat. Or we could just make our own. Kitties and cocktails, what a night!



  1. Samantha from Bewitched gets my vote every day! :)

  2. I think I liked everyone one of these too. :)
    ~Naila Moon

  3. Hermione's the one with an otter patronus. Luna's is a hare. They're both cool. :-)
