Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Trick r Treat Stole My Heart

Best Buy, how appropriate your name is for a girl with Trick r Treat in her DVD collection for four dollars now.

 As soon as I saw this gem, I knew it had to be mine. After a second of contemplating the happiness I would receive owning this over the four dollars I could have saved for something else, I laughed at my hesitancy and just bought it. I've kind of been on a DVD buying craze (if you call buying Hocus Pocus for ten bucks and then this a craze). I've never actually bought DVDs in my life, so it's a new threshold I'm on, creating a collection of DVDs that aren't just in an old CD case I got in 5th grade burnt from friends.

The first time I actually was able to see Trick r Treat was last year, actually. I'd been wanting to see it since it first came out, being a Halloween movie and all, but I could never find a copy. Ever. I can't tell you how many Family Video searches I went on, and how long I waited for my dad's Netflix to send it to us. Needless to say, I had to wait until I was a sophomore in college where I stumbled upon a copy in one of the dorm's movie rental place thingies. As soon as it started, I was in Halloween Heaven. It's just everything I love, rolled into 82 minutes.

Why do I love this movie so much, you ask? Where do I even begin...

One: It's an anthology that is all connected. I LOVE THAT. I loved watching each story unwind, bleeding over into each other (figuratively and, sometimes, literally). It just creates this nice little intertwined bundle of Halloween night.

Two: The stories are absolutely wonderful. Some lie on the comedy side, some on the pure horror side. Piled together, it's my favorite type of movies in one. 

Three: Anna Paquin is in it. I think she's the cutest little thing ever, and I love most characters she plays. But in Trick r Treat? Her character takes the cake. I won't tell you why, in case you haven't seen it, but it's the greatest thing ever.

Four: The little Halloween spirit-demon-thing Sam is cute. Well, as long as his mask is on. The first time I saw it, he kind of creeped me out, but now I think he's cuuuute. Maybe it's all those crochet dolls of him I've seen. If he showed up to my place in real life, though, (which he wouldn't, because I don't blow out jack-o-lanterns before Halloween's over), I'd probably wet myself.

Five: Like I said in my previous post, it's got the perfect Halloween celebrations I've never got to partake in. If only I lived in that movie....

Six: It teaches you the fundamentals of Halloween and how to respect it in all its spookiness. Okay, maybe not, but it does bring up good points. 
  • Don't blow out jack-o-lanterns.
  • Don't smash jack-o-lanterns.
  • Don't steal kids' candy.
  • Don't take all the candy from bowls.
  • Don't go ghost hunting around gravesites.
  • Don't take down your Halloween decorations before Halloween is over.
  • Don't forget to hand out candy.
Most importantly:
  • Charlie Brown is an asshole.
Seven: Alright, I'm just going to admit it, I'm a fan of Marilyn Manson. There you go. Well, you can expect my happiness at the point when there was some crazy werewolf transformation and Manson's cover of "Sweet Dreams" accompanied it. Pure Halloween gold.

So, there you have it. Trick r Treat is, unsurprisingly, one of my favorite movies, and probably one of my favorite Halloween films. I mean, it's got all the elements of a great Halloween film! Well, actually if a film just had jack-o-lanterns and kids trick-or-treating, I'd still probably really like it. I'm an easily pleased person.

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