Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween In Review

Well, this week has flown by, and along with it Halloween. Did it even happen? Is it really over? Are there really 363 days left until next Halloween?

I felt like I had been living in this beautiful orange-and-black hazy daydream, and that I was in Halloweentown. I'm not a hundred percent sure on how to come back from Halloweentown and enter (let alone function) in the real world.

Even though my Halloween wasn't extremely eventful, and I didn't do much,but  what I did do and the people I was with made it one to remember. And that's all that really matters, isn't it?

I woke up on the day of Halloween with a smile on my face (that's not a joke). I hopped into my costume and was ready to take on the world (maybe just class). I wore my costume proudly, while most of the people around me seemed to not even notice that it was Halloween. I just wanted to jump up and scream to everyone "WHERE IS YOUR COSTUME? DO YOU KNOW IT'S HALLOWEEN?!". I get very worked up about Halloween.

After classes, I went home and carved the lone pumpkin that was left in my house, then made a quick costume change, slapped some zombie makeup on my friend Leah, and we were ready to hit the town (well, Wendy's). We walked in proud, relishing in the stares and the questionable looks people gave us.

Afterwards, we went cemetery hopping. What a better night to contact spirits than Halloween? So we creeped through the night, the full moon casting everything in a bluish glow. We made it to two different cemeteries, but the cops were at the third one we had planned to go to, so we just drove on.

Throughout the entire day, there was this magical, static feeling in the air to me. I didn't want to fall asleep, because that would mean Halloween would be over. Finally, my eyes couldn't stay open and the next thing I knew, I woke up in bright sunlight and that magic feeling was gone.

They say that the curtain between the living and the dead is thinnest on Halloween, and maybe that's true. Maybe that's what I felt. Maybe it was the nostalgia of Halloweens past and they were all swimming through my mind that day.

Whatever it was, it was Halloween and it was great.

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