Friday, October 12, 2012

A Love Letter to Queen of the Damned

Dear Queen of the Damned,

I love you. A lot. Like, way too much, honestly. Remember my junior and senior year of high school, when I watched you every night during October until Halloween? Yeah, well I do. That's dedication. Serious dedication, if you ask me. Some people may not think you're a very good movie, maybe lacking some substance and kind of boring, but I'm not one of them. I can openly admit you aren't a mind-blowing, world-shifting, life-changing film, but I really dig you.

I won't lie, I never did finish the actual book, which is strictly against my moral code. However, that doesn't really bother me since I kind of got bored with it when I read it, but that's besides the point. The first reason I love you, though? The music. Jesus, when I saw you the first time I was in 6th grade, I think, and didn't think much of it. The second time I saw you, I was in middle school and at that really impressionable age with my 'dark', wanna-be goth phase and you kinda rubbed off on me. The soundtrack is killer still to me, though. I have this soft spot for goth-industrial metal and Korn, so that explains it. The songs are just good to me. They give me this nostalgic high for my adolescence when I thought I was so dark and cool, and I just get all giggly inside.

The second reason? Vampires, duh. Does anyone ever wonder why they have such perfect teeth? Anyway, I've loved vampires since I was super young and watching Gary Oldman in Dracula and The Little Vampire, so you made it in my book asap. Plus, all your vampires are pretty much beautiful. Besides Jesse. I hate Jesse. She's the worst decision for an eternal being ever. I mean, she's annoying as crap, she can't act, and she doesn't listen to anything anyone says.

Third reason: the fashion in this movie. God, what I would give for all those costumes in my closet. I mean, come one, look at it:
Srsly, I loved Akasha.

Dat couch.
Pink hair? Yes, please.
Let's not forget all that violin playing. I love violins. I mean, who doesn't? But vampires who play violins? AND dueling violins between gypsies and vampires? Come on, you just have to have it all, don't you?

Oh, why yes. Yes you do. Because this is probably the main reason I love you, my dear Queen of the Damned. Look at you, Lestat. Just look at you (well, I mean that figuratively, since you're a vampire and all). I really love your face. I know you aren't real, but your face is still really nice.

Be still, my heart.
Even with blood all over your face, you still make that little part of my teen years squeal like a little schoolgirl.

So, for all these reasons and more, I love you, Queen of the Damned. These reasons are why I watch you often to fall asleep to. These reasons are why I never gave my friend her copy of you back (sorry!). These reasons are why I can just watch this movie whenevs, I don't care. Through all your cheesy acting (I'm thinking of you, Jesse) and corny lines, I love you in all your gothy, vampy glory.

Your loyal watcher for all of your vampire eternity,
